Content is King: 5 Advantages of Outsourcing Your Writing Needs

If you’re looking into the idea of outsourcing your content, you’ve probably come across the term “content is king”. Why is this the case? Content plays a pivotal role in all marketing initiatives, and is a key component in any successful marketing plan whether you operate a small business or a fortune 500 company. The reality is however, most companies don’t have the time or expertise to dip their toes into content writing effectively.

Luckily, you can still reap all the benefits of fresh content; brand loyalty, new leads, and more website traffic, when you hire the professionals to look after it for you instead.

Outsourcing Your Content

Let’s take a look at some of the key advantages to outsourcing your content needs

Time Savings

Writing blog or web content can be significantly time-consuming, especially when it’s not exactly your forte. Thorough research is often required before diving in and creating a quality piece that is both engaging and informative. As a business owner, while you may understand the importance of publishing written material on a regular basis, there’s a good chance you won’t have the extra time and resources to focus on this job. Turn to professional copy writing services so you can continue focusing on those aspects of your business that require your full attention.

Regular Written Material

To stay relevant among your industry and attract more traffic to your website, information needs to be pushed out regularly. Fresh content that is of value to your prospects is what Google thrives off of and wants to see for high rankings. Position your brand properly and achieve this through outsourcing this service. Your marketing company will work with you to design a  marketing strategy that includes a steady flow of written material be it blogs, news articles, or even social media posts, ensuring information is shared strategically and on a regular routine to remain relevant.  If you want to stand out among your competitors and increase your Google rankings, this tactic right here, is simply an essential. A curated calendar will showcase exactly what and when content will be pushed to the web which keeps everyone informed and on the same page.

Improved SEO

As mentioned above, helpful and quality website material is crucial to increasing your visibility online.  Your SEO will be improved dramatically when you outsource your writing needs. After all, these are trained SEO writers that know what search engines value, such as targeting specific keywords and topics your target audience is searching for. SEO experts understand the importance of providing solutions that search engines AND readers are seeking. Another bonus? Great content is more likely to be shared across social media; who wouldn’t want that extra reach?

Unfortunately content that is written without addressing these crucial needs first, will be at risk of becoming lost due to lack of overall relevance. Of course this can be disappointing and frustrating when you’ve put time aside to write content in-house.  While we certainly don’t knock anyone who writes in-house, you may find you’ll save yourself some unnecessary headache when you leave it to the experts.

Unique Perspective from Industry Experts

Unlike an in-house team that is submerged in the business, content marketers have the opportunity to analyze your marketing goals objectively, which comes with a slew of other benefits. Getting a new perspective from industry experts means you’ll receive insight from a viewpoint that specializes in this field. They can see your company’s blind spots and develop solutions to change this through marketing strategies tailored to your goals. On the other hand, if you know what needs to be done and the direction you want to go in, the content writers can run with that. In either case, you’ll be gaining the advantage of writers who are trained to write engaging and informative pieces in a unique manner.  Of course they are also the first ones to know of any emerging marketing trends, which means all ideas will reflect these.

Cost Effective

If you’re considering hiring a full-time in-house writer to handle your writing needs, you may wind up allocating more funds to this new role than you think. When you take into consideration equipment costs, training, IT costs, and any overhead that comes with an added employee, these costs can add up quickly.

Outsourcing on the other hand, is a much more affordable option for most companies as these costs are already factored in to the overall rates. Also remember that one full-time writer would only gain you the expertise, skills, and knowledge of that person, whereas hiring a marketing company exposes you to multiple writers, meaning broader knowledge, varying perspectives, and more flexibility.

Hiring a professional team means you’re only paying for that particular writing service or anything else that may have been agreed upon in the contract. Beyond that, you won’t risk any surprise costs popping up that might occur with an in-house employee.

Interested in more information on content writing services? Contact NetGain to schedule a free consultation. We’ll identify gaps in your current content, analyze competitors’ pages, and plan a course of action including a detailed publication schedule. Now is the time to drive more website traffic, build brand loyalty and position your company as a thought leader in your industry.

We are excited to help you along this journey!