Website Design


A website starts with a static page.  That is how it all started back in the late 1980’s.  But since then, website design has evolved thanks to a file format called CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).  With CSS you can design a website how you want.  Creating a website isn’t just about getting your message across, but at the same time bringing out your inner artist.  You could make your background red, change your text font to Comic Sans, or float the text towards the left side of the page.  You can think of anything you want to design thanks to CSS.

Building a website is like building a volcano you would find at a school science fair.  The CSS file is the volcano made out of paper maché, while the HTML is the baking soda and vinegar that makes the volcano erupt.  It is about chemistry.  How does one work with the other and vice-versa.  Will it erupt with the right amount of ingredients, or will there be too many ingredients for the volcano to handle?

When creating a website, the design might be a core factor that can attract users.  Website design is not just about creativity, but also usability.  A good design can help your site’s users a lot.  A user may need to read a website like a book scrolling from the top of the page to the bottom.  If the text was all over the place, a user may not be able to read it right and could become confused on where their eyes should be focused on.  It’s kind of like writing a large novel.  Imagine all the text being spread out all over the span of two pages side-by-side.  Would that feel a little disorienting to you?  Organization is an important part when it comes to website design.

Website design consists of three common factors; Creativity, Usability, and the Chemistry between both the HTML and CSS.  All three factors are necessary to create a well-developed website, and that is something to think about.