A Tiny SEO Quiz


As a bit of a change I’d like to start this blog with a little quiz… The answers to the Quiz are at the bottom of this post.

  1. What Keyword factor is more important for Ranking?
    • Keyword in the H1 tag
    • Keyword in the domain
    • Keyword in the URL
  2. What’s more important to have?
    • Site Speed
    • Number of Internal Links
  3. What H tag helps more with ranking?
    • H2 Tags
    • H1 Tags
  4. What external factor helps more with rankings?
    • Number of Backlinks
    • Facebook Likes
  5. Rank these four SEO factors in terms of value:
    • Backlinks from News domains like CNN
    • Relevant terms within your site
    • Google Plus
    • Keywords in body or content

Before I give the answers to the quiz, I’m going to go through some things to keep in mind when it comes to SEO. Many industry experts believe there over 200 things that Google takes into consideration when determining how well a site ranks and some people believe it’s much, much more. And they’re probably right.

Some of the biggest factors have absolutely nothing to do with what you actually do on the site. The old adage is, ‘You can have the most beautiful site in the world, but if it’s not found on Google, it’s really nothing more than a digital brochure.’ AKA Useless

That’s why it is important to pay attention to your off-site presence as much or more than you need to worry about working on your site because the off-site work is considered the most difficult part of SEO.

SEO is an ever evolving, always changing ‘animal’ that millions of people have been trying to figure out for many years.

The biggest things with SEO to keep in mind are:

–       It takes time

–       It takes patience

–       It takes research

–       It takes even MORE research

–       And it takes some luck

We never really know what’s around the corner and what Google is going to change. The biggest advantage we have is to follow the rules they have until everything changes again and then regroup. That is why it is essential to always play by the rules and always implement ‘white hat’ strategies.


So actually you’re all wrong… SEO Changes every single day… What worked last month may not work this month and what works today probably won’t work tomorrow. That is why it is essential to always stay informed about SEO trends and changes and always keep reading.

These ranking factors were put together by a number of leader SEO experts, and most would agree that since they were posted in August of 2014, the answers may have changed. But let’s see the results anyway.

    1. What keyword factor is more important for ranking?
      • Keyword in the H1 tag
      • Keyword in the domain
      • Keyword in the URL

None of these help with ranking. Each of these are negative factors and actually hurt you’re website in Googles eyes.

  1. What’s more important to have?
    • Site Speed
    • Number of Internal Links

    The number of Internal Links you have are more important than site speed

  2. What H tag helps more with ranking?
    • H2 Tags
    • H1 Tags
  3. H2 tags actually benefit your on page SEO more so than H1 Tags.
  4. What external factor helps more with rankings?
    • Number of Backlinks
    • Facebook Likes
  5. The number of Backlinks you have will benefit your SERP’s more than Facebook likes.
  6. Rank these four SEO factors in terms of value:
    • Backlinks from News domains like CNN – Rank 3
    • Relevant terms within your site – Rank 1
    • Google Plus – Rank 2
    • Keywords in body or content – Rank 4