Twittertastic: Improve Your Company’s Twitter Presence

Like in most small businesses, you and your staff can become quite busy with your work schedules, different tasks and various projects. While you are focused on your work, it’s good to keep in mind that your company’s social media sites need to be kept up to date. The fact is social media is an increasing necessity in business today. Social media can help your business in various ways, such as grow your audience base and bring in leads. One of the most popular social media platforms is Twitter.

With more than 300 million active users today, Twitter is an online social networking service that allows its users to send short messages which are called “tweets”. If your business is on Twitter (and if it’s not, get on it!) and it’s lacking a strong presence, here are a few organic ways to boost it.

Tweet Often
Simply put, make sure you are tweeting often! Tweeting daily is critical to keep your account active and attract more followers. This can also help in sending more traffic to your business website. Ensure that the information you share is from a trusted source. As an example, if you have read a news article that is relevant to your business and what services you offer.

When using Twitter, keep in mind that it’s about engaging with followers and users by having online conversations. This will help build your brand’s online personality, so with that said, use hashtags (#hashtags) and @mentions to start engaging. Moreover, using popular hashtags that are related to your business can increase the likelihood of your tweets being retweeted by other users.

Show That Your Company Cares
Watch over your account carefully – read comments and mentions directed at your company. As an example, if a person has a question about your company’s services, make sure you respond in a timely fashion. This will ensure that your company believes in fast customer service and it will help your company’s overall brand. Even thanking new followers for following your Twitter account can go a long way!

Be Visually Appealing
There are times when first appearances can go a long way. Make sure your profile picture and your header picture are of good quality. Nothing pixelated, blurry or in poor taste. For a company account, it’s best to make your profile picture your official logo. Showing professionalism is key!

While those are just a few ways of organically improving your Twitter account, just remember that from a business point of view, social media, in general, has to be an important player in building success for your company.