The Top Ten Steps to Generate More Leads From a Website

1. Attractive Content
Include engaging content which provides a reason for site visitors to learn more about the business. The information can work to establish credibility, create a sense of urgency for purchasing decisions and highlight the benefits of a particular organization over others.

2. Simple Navigation

Incorporate navigation tools which are easy to use so that the site can be viewed with ease. Two ways this can be accomplished are with buttons and text links. Buttons allow for one or two words of text to be enter into a visually appealing box which links to a corresponding page. Text links are embedded into the body of text and make it easier for visitors to view pages which relate to the content.

3. Track Leads
Evaluate the sites success and failures using lead tracking tools. For example, Google analytics tracks what customers are visiting the site, how often, what pages they are viewing and for how long. This will determine where a site can be improved and what type of audience to focus attention on; including, the type of content and graphics which will target the end user.

4. Answer Questions
Compile a list of common questions which arise from customers. Post and answer the questions in a section of the website. This will build credibility, provide reason for customers to view the site and enable them to access information quickly.

5. Be Available
The easier a business is to contact the more inclined users will be to reach out. Offer support online through live chat forums or make clear contact pages with information featured prominently.

6. Give Reason For Contact
Offer incentives! For example, a search engine optimization company could offer a free website assessment to customers visiting a corporate site. This will give customers a reason to contact the business.

7. Track Contact
Include a contact form with the free website assessment. This will encourage site visitors to provide their phone or email address. Have a sales team follow up with the contact and initiate a sale.

8. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Be visible on search pages. Ensure that the site is easily found online with different search engine optimization techniques. Check a site ranking by searching it in Google or Yahoo. If the site does not appear within the top five or ten sites listed on the results page, customers are not able to find the site and leads will be lost to more easily found competitors. There are various tools for fully search engine optimizing a site to find out more information contact:

9.Respond to Inquiries Quickly
Ensure that customers are not waiting for a response, as the longer they have to wait the quicker they will turn to a competitor for assistance. If a company responds quickly the odds of the site visitors turning into repeat customer’s increases, as customers that are satisfied the first time are more likely to return in the future.

10. Provide Clear Purchasing Options
Don’t be elusive with pricing. Provide clear, direct information regarding the purchasing of products. This can be done through e-commerce sites which allow customers to purchase product directly from the site.

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t. (705) 797-2455