SEO Tips to Better Optimize your Website – Part 1

Do you ever wonder why the same websites take over the top 3 rank spots on Google, Yahoo and Bing? Well it’s no accident! These companies have spent a lot of time and money perusing the latest SEO tactics and techniques to hold onto their much-earned spots.

Helpful SEO Tips & Tricks

  1. Use appropriate keyword/structure. Within each page of your website, make sure that your page displays your main chosen keyword(s) in the page title, body content, title tags, content headers, image name & tags (if you have images) and URL. Even though the URL doesn’t play a large factor in your results today, this is still good practice and provides readability for the user.
  2. Use Keywords Naturally. Don’t go overboard and flood your content with the keywords you want as Google, Yahoo and Bing will consider this keyword stuffing and/or spamming. Your keywords should fit and flow with the content and read like a natural sentence.  Remember: you don’t get SEO points for quantity; it is quality that is important here.
  3. Deliver Quality Content. This plays a huge determining roll in web presence and organic SEO results. By providing fresh and relevant content that readers are interested in, and would like to read, allows for potential back-linking, sharing of content (through social media) and higher organic results (as Google sheds light on frequently updated and fresh content). This should be your primary focus when building a website or implementing SEO.
  4. Update Your Content Regularly. If your site is looking like a teenager’s bedroom with content thrown everywhere and no structure to the madness, then a cleaning is in order. If users find your content irrelevant, then so does Google, and your site will fall to the back in results. Keeping your content fresh, up to date and relevant to the website or services will only benefit your results. Adding a blog to your site is a fantastic way to get that new and fresh content circulating.

Check back for SEO Tips to Better Optimize your Website – Part 2

By Andrew Penley, SEO Specialist