3 Reasons Your Marketing Should Be Personal

personalize your marketing

I’m sure you’re aware of the phrase: “it’s nothing personal.”

It’s probably true in most cases, but when it relates to marketing, it’s definitely personal.

A lot of businesses fall prey to dull content or lack the added touches that establish their brand as unique. With multiple marketing tasks on the go while running a business, it’s understandable how some lose focus of what makes their brand, well, a brand.

Truth be told, customers want a business to feel a little more personal and less salesy. It’s how you find connection and meaning in a brand and may be the deciding factor in what drives someone to choose your product over your competitor. People don’t want the sales pitch—they want to see something relatable translated into an advertisement.

In 2019 and beyond, people want personalized marketing.

As a matter of fact, personalization was listed at number 5 as a top digital marketing trend for 2020. If that hasn’t convinced you, check out these stats:

  • 63% of consumers are annoyed with generic advertising blasts
  • 80% say they are more likely to do business with a company if it offers personalized experiences
  • 90% claim they find personalization appealing

So, let’s talk about what personalized marketing is and why it’s important.

Personalized Marketing: What Is It?

 Personalized marketing refers to the attributes that make your business and brand unique. It can be the way you choose to interact with your customers or the way you write your content (is it humorous? Serious? A bit of both?). It also refers to the kind of marketing, content and advertising that is at the forefront of your business.  It gives you the ability to integrate personalized marketing into emails, social and blogging to generate better results. You’re able to collect customer-related data to tailor it to your customers based off their preferences.

Personalized marketing began as a result of customers tuning out “cookie-cutter” advertisements.  It’s not that people dislike advertising; they simply want advertising that is catered to their wants and needs.

1. We’re All Unique: Personalized Marketing Thrives on It

 As mentioned, everyone is unique. Collecting user data from list campaigns, surveys or studies gives you the ability to create better email campaigns to target a customer’s spending habits or interests. It also allows for a better customer experience. A lot of companies do this by sending customers a “Happy Birthday” email and offer discounts or incentives.

To take this a step further, developing personalized landing pages on your website is even more effective. For example, some businesses will use: “Hey customer’s name, we’re glad to have you back!” for a direct, personal experience.

2. It Takes Out the Guessing Game

 If you know what customers are looking for and who they are, you will be able to create content geared towards their interests. It gives you the opportunity to create quality content that speaks to your customers. It also shows that there is a human side to your business, and you care about your customers.

3. It Increases Your Sales

 Personalized marketing not only helps your customers, it helps your business too! Recognizing your customers’ interests and marketing to them by providing recommendations or suggestions is an effective way to increase sales. This helps drive ROI, attract new customers and retain them for longer.

How Can You Personalize Marketing?

 Some examples of how you can personalize your marketing include the following:

  • A customer’s personal information (their name, birthday, etc)
  • Demographics
  • Their behaviour: how they interact with your website, what they’re looking at purchasing or what they are searching for
  • Buying history (or a CMS data showing how they’ve been interacting with a brand for B2B companies.)
  • And more!

Lucky for you, you don’t have to plan out your marketing strategies on your own. At NetGain SEO, we are experts in providing high quality content and marketing deliverables that keep you connected with current customers, while attracting new ones. Contact us to find out more today!