Are You Blogging? Does it Bring Value to Your Business?

Content is King

Content strategy, and more specifically blogs, has become one of the most used tools that will help in your overall marketing campaign for your company; but do you think it is adding business value to it? If your answer is NO, maybe you can find the reason your blogs aren’t working below; check these tips out and see what you can do to get the most out of blogging and start getting more value from this strategy.

  • Have a purpose – This is the most frequent mistake companies tend to make. There is no objective for your blog; you just do it because everyone is doing it. Look for that reason, maybe is to create brand awareness, or for lead generation, driving traffic, or link building. It could be all or just one but again is important to have a purpose, because this will help with the direction and promotion you give to them.
  • Have a content strategy in place – Blogging is not enough, it cannot rely on it by itself. It has to be part of an overall marketing strategy; it needs to be part of your social media strategy, PR campaigns, SEO plan, PPC strategy, etc.
  • Make a schedule – If you are serious about blogging, make a schedule. Make it possible to have an update once or twice a week, more likely you will see better rankings compared to those who have one or two a month. The reason behind this is that Google loves frequent updates, relevant content, and informative pieces of content that will help readers. When you have a schedule you need to know the topic in advance, you will bring a certain routine, and visitors and readers will expect the material from you.
  • Promote your Blog – Writing a blog is one thing, but how do I find your blog? That is the tricky part. You need to have a promotion strategy, you need to share it and make it visible to visitors. You can use several platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+; to connect with industry influencers and use their power to your advantage. Be able to guest blog too, look for that niche and make it possible to guest blog.
  • Action-driven blogs – Ask your readers to do something; blogs that do not drive people to complete action will not offer the value that you may expect. You may need to be very clever on this and through your blog lead your visitor through links to your service page, or maybe to your “Contact Us” page. This way you are directing your customers to complete an action.

The above tips will help you to make your blogging strategy a successful strategy and not just an isolated idea that you will hope works. Blogging has been considered a number one tool to help your marketing strategy, your website, and overall your SEO strategy.

Keep it fresh, interesting, and informative, and share it with the world!