When A1 DataShred approached NetGain, A1’s website was a shambles and their online presence was non-existent.
They needed help atracting new clients and they needed to do it quickly.
A1 had an underperforming website. Even Google steadfastly ignored A1’s website. For example, if you had searched for shredding services in Boston, you would have found A1 DataShred listed on Page 7 of search results. Ouch.
Our first action was to redesign A1’s website since it didn’t make sense to send potential clients to an underwhelming site. Fortunately, the client had high-quality photography to visually explain their services and help the site come alive.
We then set about supporting the site with technical optimization, social media management, and high-quality writen content. In parallel, we ran a profitable Pay-per-Click advertising campaign.
Our biggest success with A1 DATASHRED was improving their Google ranking from Page 7 to the top of Page 1. Not bad for a such a competitive environment in Boston! And when people started discovering A1’s website, we improved conversion rates with strategic design and calls-to-action. As their business grew, we even produced graphics for their new shred trucks.
A1 DataShred now enjoys Page 1 search results
more than doubled their annual revenue
An influx of new web traffic
Expanded their business
Great Experience
“Have had a great experience working with NetGain! Not only is my website fantastic, they are easy to work with. Very professional and get back to you very quickly. I highly recommend them to design and manage your website.”
A1 DataShred, Boston Massachusetts