Common Web Design Mistakes

Designing your website for the “cool” factor

Everybody wants their website to stand out from all the others, thinking that a flashy design with lots of flair will stick in people’s minds.  While your site may look really impressive, potential customers may be so distracted by the design that they don’t remember what your service is all about.  In some cases, a design with too much going on might also be overwhelming to a visitor and drive them away without even giving your website a chance.

Overwhelming Content

When a potential customer is visiting your website, they often have an idea of the type of information that they are looking for.  This may be something like an email address or a phone number, or even a description of services.  If they visit a page and are hit with a large wall of text, the thought of having to skim through all of those paragraphs to find the one piece of information they are looking for can be very off-putting.  If you think your websites content is too descriptive, try throwing in a few relevant images or add headings to break up the paragraphs and make them easier and more appealing to read.

Underwhelming Content

In contrast to the previous point, if someone goes to your website to read about the services you provide, they are likely going to want to see more than 3 sentences that inadequately describe what you have to offer to justify the use of their products or services.  It’s all about finding an appropriate balance.

Test Your Website on Mobile Devices

A rapidly growing percentage of the world is now using the internet on their smartphones and tablets.  You are certainly not going to want to miss out on losing these potential clients due to having a website that is difficult to navigate on a mobile device.

Answering Your Users Questions

Having solid content is usually the best way to answer a customer’s questions about your products or services.  If your website is geared towards e-commerce, for example, you are going to want to have prices of specific products listed so that your customers aren’t always guessing.  Additionally having a contact form for them to submit any other questions is also a good idea.  You can then take some or all of any questions you receive and create a frequently asked questions page.

Simple Navigation

Your website should be extremely simple to navigate with all the links a customer will need in your main menu.  Having the appropriate links in your menu is critical in ensuring that a customer will find the information that they are looking for to get you that sale.