Copywriting: Improve Your Website SEO

Having a beautiful and functional website is the cornerstone of any business, but what about the content that fills it? Our perceptions of a site aren’t just shaped by the way it appears, but also how it reads. We want to read something engaging, that holds our attention and will make us want to learn more. If your site is filled with text that’s hard to understand, boring, or poorly written, people simply aren’t going to want to take that extra step to learn more.

Copywriting is an essential tool in Digital Marketing, and can be used as a tool to improve your website’s SEO. Let’s learn how to utilize that tool and improve your SEO in the process!

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is a vital part of advertising and marketing, it’s similar to a call to action but on a much larger scale. The writing has a goal that’s entire intent is to persuade you towards making a specific action.

When you see an advertisement, what is it that makes you stop and look at it? Is it the picture, the company, the writing? They all play together to reinforce the message that you need to take the action they are prompting. If you are able to make that action seem like it’s not being caused by the advertisement, it’s much more natural and easy for the consumer to want to do it.

What Does a Copywriter Do?

A lot of the nuance in copywriting is the importance of knowing who you want your message to reach. Who is your target audience? You are speaking directly to them, and wanting them to feel understood. A good copywriter can take the simple message the company wants and make it into a personalized call to action.

You’ll see copywriters used for:

  • Website content
  • Advertisements
  • Newsletters
  • Blogs and articles
  • Magazines
  • Billboards
  • Product and service descriptions


How Do Copywriters Influence SEO?

Aside from focusing on just appealing to your audience, if you are running a business online, there’s also the search engines you have to please. So much goes into ranking highly, but copywriters that focus on Search Engine Optimization know the techniques needed to boost your rank while also putting out creative and personalized content for your website.


By utilizing keywords, copywriters are able to focus on one target area to boost the search rankings. Obviously, the content itself has to make sense and not just that keyword thrown everywhere, but by knowing where the focus should be, they are able to subtly bring more attention to that word.


Search engines want content, they don’t want a tiny amount of text. When writing content for a website or blog, there needs to be a certain amount of words on the page or search engines won’t rank it very highly. It’s not enough to just stick words on a page, or fill out the article or blog post with fluff, a good copywriter won’t have that problem.

Why Would You Hire a Copywriting Service?

Time Efficiency

Writing takes a lot of time, more than most people have to spend when they already have a full-time job! You can save countless hours you might have spent writing for your website’s blog posts or descriptions around the site.

SEO Experts

By employing a copywriting service geared towards SEO improvement, you are getting double the benefits out of it. Not only are you getting writing to fill out your website in a way that’s geared towards you and your audience, but it’s also used to improve your SEO rankings and get you higher up on those search pages.

Skilled Writers

Let’s face it, not everyone is good at writing, especially to the standard required. By using a copywriting service, you can ensure the writing you are showing has proper grammar and spelling. Most importantly, you can ensure it’s well-written and interesting for the reader. Who knows? Maybe your writer will be able to come up with an interesting spin you never would have thought of.


By utilizing copywriting services, you can improve your website’s SEO through persuasion and using rich keywords. Not only will you be producing better content, but that content will have a better chance of finding your customer!

If you’re looking for skilled copywriters, look no further than us at NetGain! Contact us today to get started on improving the quality of your website’s content together.