Feed Your Website With Fresh Content

Fresh VegetablesEstablishing an impressive website that is clean and well organized is an excellent step towards gaining business; however, it’s important to realize that earning (and sustaining) lucrative success involves much more than that.

Regardless of whether your website has been around 3 months or 3 years, one thing remains the same…a need for regular and relevant, fresh content. If you’re not updating your website on a regular basis, there’s a good chance an eager competitor will steal away what otherwise could be prospective business!

So what’s considered fresh content anyway? Good question.

There are typically two types of website content; static and dynamic. Static content refers to pages such as “About Us,” “FAQ,” and “Contact” , whereas dynamic pages on the other hand, include the blog or news portion on your website.

What can you do to ensure you are constantly feeding your website with fresh content?

For starters, follow these four tips:

1. Add a blog

A blog is an excellent and easy way of adding new content to your website. Even if your blog is only updated once a week, it proves successful for high SEO rankings, and instantly informs your readers that your website is current and up to date. Can’t think of a topic? Consider your industry and any important news in relation to it, or even discuss upcoming tradeshows and events your business is attending. In any case, a blog gives your business a “voice”.  Its presence has many benefits and ultimately drives more traffic to your website… which is what every business wants!

2. Incorporate images or videos

Incorporating a gallery page, or images throughout several pages adds visual appeal, and also acts as new fresh content for your website. Nobody likes to land on a webpage only to be flooded with text and nothing more; pictures add colour and personalization! Videos are another excellent option for adding new content to your website. These can be updated each time you complete a project, and the nice part is they can be simple short clips of product tutorials, demonstrations, or interviews. When you supply a description for your photos or video, this provides the search engines with notification of fresh content, anytime you post a new one.

3. Feature client testimonials

Positive feedback from past clients is a fantastic form of content; not only does it boost the quality of content found on your website, it’s an excellent resource for prospective clients looking to learn more about the company’s reputation. If you can gather client testimonials on a regular basis, this is easy content that will only contribute to a well rounded website. Without client testimonials, visitors may question your level of expertise in the industry.

4.  Expand the Menu

The more content you have on your website, the more likely you are to increase your search engine rankings. So how do you do this effectively without adding too much? The important aspect to remember is that all content being added should be relevant and industry specific. For instance, if your industry is on the technical side, you may want to consider including a resources page that can be updated frequently with new developments that would be of interest to your clients.

If writing isn’t your area of expertise, or you simply don’t have the time to dedicate, you may want to consider outsourcing your copywriting needs to a Marketing and SEO company. They can not only provide you with ongoing web content, but they can also help to establish your social media presence (aside from website content). Providing information to your readers and potential customers is the number one goal; fresh web content combined with social media will contribute towards growth and customer engagement.

Happy writing!