Firm Vs. Staff – Getting the Most Out of Your Marketing Budget

Team of People

Getting the most out of your marketing budget in this day and age is a multifaceted endeavor; there are simply more pieces of the puzzle then a decade ago. ‘Print is dead’ and expensive, tracking ROI from outdoor media is difficult, now you need to consider your web presence.  Before you say ‘but I spent all last year’s marketing budget on a website and I’m not seeing the value’ you need to dig deep and ask how much one person can do to make your website a lead generating tool.

1.    Optimize your website for conversions

  •    Guide your customers to contact you via click to call phone number, web forms, and live chat

2.    Make your site mobile friendly. If you are not mobile responsive you are being left behind

  • 46% of consumers use cell phones to research products, services, and business locations
  • Over HALF of online search is done on a mobile device, not a standard desktop

3.    Link to your social media pages from your website and be active and engaging

  • Using these tools for your business no matter how frivolous you think they may be contribute to having your business found online.

4.    Keep content fresh, accurate, relevant, and sharable

  • You’re in business… that means someone is interested in it, give them content they want to share or keep coming back to read
  • Google’s algorithms require this, it’s time to start writing

5.    Use engaging videos to build credibility and attract visitors with little time to read about you

  • 85% of people will watch a video about a product of interest for at least 1 minute

6.    Make your website user-friendly slow load times, broken links, flash files can drive Google and customers away

  • 40% of people will abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load

The Solution

All of those points are ultimately routine maintenance essential to having a healthy lead generating website. It doesn’t even begin to cover other areas for growth like Pay-Per-Click, remarketing, advertising, and email marketing. Starting to see that getting the most out of your marketing budget is not letting a single staff member, tiny design firm, or your friend’s kid from collage be responsible for driving business to your door?

You need experts in design, development, SEM/SEO, copy-writing, and even project management time. The ROI on your marketing budget will thank you when you deal with the right firm. Not the cheapest, or the fastest but the one that has the ability to service and understand everyone of your digital marketing needs.