Google Ending Adobe Flash Support

Adobe Flash Error

A clear fact that is Adobe Flash has been the default software that supports videos and animations on the web for over 20 years now. However, this is not the case anymore because Chrome has started pushing users to use HTML5 by default. HMTL5 has started and will continue to make the use of Flash obsolete, and while Adobe Flash is widely known to be significantly less secure, it allows potential hackers easier access to your site’s data. Google Chrome will by default disable Flash on all websites other than the 10 websites that will be listed below.

Users that visit a website that uses Flash will be presented with a warning message. This warning message will tell the user to acknowledge the use of Flash on the website they are about to visit and to proceed with caution. This can be very annoying if this is a website you visit regularly and that you trust. Google Chrome will remember which sites you gave permission to run Adobe Flash so users are not confronted with Flash pop-ups every time they visit the desired Flash supported website.

Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge have reduced its reliance on Flash as the industry moves towards the much safer and faster HTML5 method. With the support of Adobe Flash ending this will make the web more responsiveness and efficient for all users. Modern Browsers will stop supporting Adobe Flash and will push users to the new web standards every chance they get. The HTML5 standard improves website load times and saves battery power for each user. These are significant improvements which modern browsers want to improve on and standardize for the web.

Adobe Flash Enabled Websites

Chrome will only have Adobe Flash enabled by default on these 10 popular websites:

The creators at Adobe agree that users should stop using Flash. Since Adobe will not resist the ending of Flash we can hope for an easy transition to a Flash free web!