How to Create a Rockin Home Page

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When it comes to your website, you’ve literally got a matter of seconds to create interest, grab a viewer’s attention and convince them to stay before they have already hit the back button, to visit your competitor’s page. 

Yes, your website’s home page is the ultimate first impression. If your home page design isn’t exceptional,  not much else matters. You’ll lose your visitors and, in a lot of cases, be forgotten about. Remember that your homepage’s purpose is to attract, inform, and convince visitors to navigate to other pages, ultimately converting to a customer.  

So what’s included in a home page that performs? In a homepage that will KEEP your visitors browsing your website? Let’s take a look at some key elements that will help establish brand awareness, attract visitors and convert these visitors into buying customers.

Effective Images

Be sure to use imagery that produces emotion. Your picture(s) should tell a story and engage visitors. Using original images when possible is an ideal way to promote your business. Always check that they are high quality and high resolution – opt for bold colors that stand out.  This is a great opportunity to also reveal the team behind your business. Consider including a team photo so visitors can quickly identify the people behind your business. This adds an element of trust and authenticity which is always a positive thing. Of course, if you don’t have original pictures, stock photos can always be used in replacement. Choose them wisely, however, to ensure it best reflects your brand and message.

Provide Value

What value are you offering to potential customers? Be the solution. Clearly communicate what you do and what you offer. If your value is helping customers protect themselves from identity theft, show them how your services do exactly that. If you make quality products that will achieve amazing results, show them the results that can be expected. It’s all about convincing visitors that your service or product is highly valuable and the solution to their problem.

Simple Navigation

There’s nothing more frustrating than website navigation that is all over the place or far too busy. Trust us, poor navigation will turn visitors away in a heartbeat, increasing your bounce rate substantially.  Your menu should be visible at the top or on the side of the page, where it’s easy for people to click through and choose the page they are interested in. Of course, it’s always wise to use your navigation in a manner that addresses your most popular service or request and branch out from there. It should be easy for your visitors to locate what they are looking for without having to click through irrelevant pages in the process.

Clear Call-to-Action

The role of the homepage design is to move visitors forward to act. What do you want that action to be? Maybe you want them to subscribe, request a consultation, provide contact information, or make a phone call. Pick only one or two clear CTAs and include them throughout the homepage design. While graphic CTAs have been proven most effective, text CTAs can be beneficial as well, as long as it’s clear and direct to show customers exactly what their next step should be.

Explain Features and Benefits

It’s time to show off! But really, your visitors come to your website to find something or purchase a service or product, so feel free to brag a little. Explain exactly why your products/services are the best by uncovering the features and benefits. Tie this into the overall value you are providing to the visitor, and you’ve got the whole package. 

Reviews/Customer Testimonials

The majority of customers today turn to online reviews and testimonials prior to purchasing just about anything. Providing client reviews instantly boosts your reputation as a trusted company, which aids in brand loyalty and building customer relationships. Easy and free marketing that is highly impactful.

Highlight Portfolio

If your business can be promoted through visuals that highlight your work, whether pictures, videos, or case studies, be sure to include a link to these on your home page. Showing real-life examples of what you have already done for previous customers shows you are an industry-leading company, helping to build trust with future customers.

Showcase Awards/Recognitions

Put any awards, recognitions, and affiliations on display and include these as part of the homepage design. This recognition communicates instant credibility and expertise, further positioning you as a reputable company to purchase from.

Strive for Simplicity

The best website homepage designs are like five-star dining: it’s all about the presentation. Use thoughtful, elegant homepage design to deliver your message and keep it stunning.

Nothing works when you throw everything at them at once. If your homepage design has too many elements, it looks cluttered and overwhelming and will only encourage customers to immediately hit the “back” button. Instead, keep it simple and highlight the essentials to get visitors to click deeper into your website.

If your homepage is lacking the above, don’t fret!  NetGain SEO is here to assist you in redesigning your website, ensuring you walk away with a rockin home page! We provide a complimentary strategy session to discuss with you an effective design approach that will drive results.