Making Business Work Seminar: Recap

On behalf of the Busch Group of Companies, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to those who were in attendance at the 1st Annual Making Business Work seminar. We have received tremendous feedback about the host-speakers from Armour Technology Solutions, Archive Document Storage and NetGain about their insights into Safety, Security & SEO, which were this year’s topics of discussion.

Congratulations to all of those who won our prizes including a $500 gift certificate towards services at NetGain, a network assessment from Armour Technology Solutions valuing $500, and a deskside shredder courtesy of Archive Document Storage.

We look forward to another engaging panel of speakers and topics at our next seminar, see you then!

A special thanks to Chris McBrien of Busch Systems for his summary of the seminar topics discussed throughout the morning, which you can read below.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The first to take the stage was NetGain, a local Barrie company which specializes in web design, graphic design and search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is something so vital in today’s marketing efforts yet not fully grasped by everyone. Basically, when a potential client uses an online search engine (Google, for example) to look for a service, SEO is what ensures your name appears near the top of the list.

Think about this as an example:
You run a flower shop in Barrie. On Valentine’s Day, a potential customer goes online and types these words into Google – “flower shop Barrie”. When a list of 50 pages made up of hundreds of local matches comes up, ask yourself this question: What are the chances that person will scroll through all 50 pages to find MY flower shop?

The answer? Not a chance in the world. That is a lot of potential flower buyers who are NOT buying from YOU. Therefore, you need to make sure YOUR company is near (or at) the top of the list. How do you make sure you are at the top of the list? Easy, search engine optimization ensures that when people search for your type of business, they find YOUR business. Think of it kind of like paying for a bigger ad in the Yellow Pages, only a little more complex.


Next up was Armour Technology Solutions and the issue of IT network management. Just think of the productivity issues which can plague your business with an inefficient computer network. What about safety issues with viruses and the like? Don’t think it’s a problem for you? Think again.

The days of thieves walking in the front door to rob your business are all but over. Thieves now prefer to walk into your business through your computer network and you need to protect yourself and your business against it.

Ask yourself this: Would you go home at night and leave the front door of your business unlocked? Of course not, then why wouldn’t you put locks on your computer network to protect the back door?


Archive Document Storage and Management Solutions is a local Barrie company which specializes in document storage and management. There used to be a day when all office paper was simply thrown into the trash. Those days are over. It is not simply a case of recycling paper either. No, that would be too simple.

The bottom line is this: Paper in your office includes sensitive files, customer records, payroll information, receivables, payables and a whole lot more. Would you let just anyone look through it? Of course not. However, when you throw it to the curb side, you are inviting disaster. Much like your computer network, your paper trail needs to remain private.

Just think of it….. You are a busy lawyer in the Barrie area. You place all of your sensitive information in a recycling container at the curb. A strong wind comes along and blows your documents down the street. Included in these documents are private files involving your clients.

Daryl Woytowicz, Manager of Archive Document Storage and Management Solutions asks, “What would a privacy breach mean to your business? Loss of credibility? Loss of customers? Keep your company’s sensitive information under lock and key. If the information is digital then, use strong passwords and limit employee access. If the information is paper-based then Archive can help with secure, offsite file storage”. Protect your clients. Protect your business. Protect yourself. File your documents with a reputable document storage company and have all outdated files shredded.

Wrapping up the event was President and CEO of Busch Systems, Craig Busch. A respected local business person and Arch Brown Entrepreneurial Award winner, Craig oversees the Busch Group of Companies. Sharing experiences and the importance of protecting your business interests was the key of the seminar and a key foundation of the Busch Group of Companies.